Types of brands
Basically, there are 6 general kinds of brands, each of them plays a special role in establishing market relations. They are:
Product brands. This term refers to the brands, under which food products are produced. For example, well-known trademarks as Nestle, Coca-Cola, Lipton tea, Nescafe coffee drink, etc.
Service brands, which are most often identified with different services. For example, Wizz Air airlines are typical service brand. You buy services, style of air travels from Wizz Air with typical package, framed with respective colors, etc. A good example of service brands are the banks: BM Bank, Delta Bank, Pravex Bank, etc.
Personal brands belong to specific persons. The first who started to use personal brands were famous figures of Hollywood, and now the stars of domestic and foreign pop music continue this tradition, for example: Scorpions, Alla Pugacheva, Tina Karol.
Organization brand includes corporate brands, charities, political parties, for example: Lytvyn Party, Narodna Samooborona Party, etc. I.e., in connection with the expansion of the commodity-working nature of market relations, names of the companies, firms, which include in their marketing strategy the concept of the institutional brand, became brands. Examples of such brands are Microsoft, Apple and Sony. Brand events have received wide application today. They include concerts, tours, car racing as Formula 1, "Kievan Rus" Motor-rally.
Place brands are used to promote as new, as already known historical, cultural and resort places. For example: Paris, Karlovy Vary.
According to the form of their expression, trademarks can be wordy, figurative, three-dimensional, combined, etc.
The wordy marks, anyway, are often associated with the brand name of the company and particularly produce all its essential elements. Their popularity is determined by the fact that they are well remembered, suitable for advertising and are easily distinguishable.
Figurative trademarks exist as variety of icons, pictures, ornaments, symbols, images of animals, etc. The success of figurative trademarks is mostly determined by their simplicity, showiness and effectiveness in terms of advertising, and by the possibility of usage with range of materials.
The most common type of combined trademarks is a variety of labels, which typically combine wordy and figurative elements in a specific color.
A stated color is also one of the important distinctive features and elements of the trademark.
Three-dimensional trademarks. They represent the trademark images in three dimensions: length, height, width. The three-dimensional trademark belongs to form of the goods themselves or their packaging, as well as their parts. At the same time, three-dimensional trademark cannot simply repeat the appearance of the well-known object, but should be new and original in appearance. Ideally, the three-dimensional trademark corresponds to marked goods nature, the company style, the consumer tastes. Perhaps, a shape "Coca-Cola" company bottle can be considered the most well-known three-dimensional trademark.
The final document of the procedure of trademark registration is the Certificate of Ukraine for a trade or service mark.