Certificate of transboundary movement on the list of waste.
According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from July, 13 in 2000 № 1120 the special position was accepted about controlling transfrontal transportation of hazwastes, and also their utilization during their export from Ukraine, waste imported into the territory of Ukraine and transit that is carried out through territory of Ukraine
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources is the government agency whose activities consist in controlling transportation of hazwastes through territory of Ukraine and their utilization in the country
The transfrontal transportations are movings of wastes from a district, wich is managed by one state on one hand, to a district (or through district) that is managed by other different country on the other hand
Wastes are any substances, objects or materials that obtained in result of human activity. They can’t be reused at the place of their exposure or formation, so they have to be moved away or utilized in the future
- Wastes are divided into several classes:
- Hazwastes - they are plugged in the division "А" of the Yellow list of wastes;
- Wastes that examine separately and are plugged in the division "B" of the Yellow list of wastes;
- Wastes that plug in the Green list of wastes;
They are the object of transfrontal transportation in case they contain materials or substances marked in addition 2 to this position. A condition for including is maintenance of materials in such amount, that they can show dangerous properties that are marked to the list. Wastes can’t be plugged to the Green List if they exhibit at least one hazardous property
Transfrontal transportations of hazwastes through territory of Ukraine;
Transport transportations of wastes through the border of Ukraine are usually using for trade operations and comes true with the observance of all measures of necessary control. If dangerous constituents are absent in wastes, it must be it is confirmed by the special documents that accompany transfrontal transportations. Transfrontal transportations of hazwastes and their moving away and utilization controlles by the competent state agency that is interested in correct transporting of wastes from their territory. They also give out the written consent on transportation
How can you get the necessary consent for waste transportation?
If you want to cross the borderer of Ukraine with wastes from the Green list, you need to get Conclusion from Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. In this Condition indicates about they entering or not in the Green list of wastes
A company "VICONSULT" will help you to get necessary Conclusion for transportation of wastes, which are included to the Green list
- To obtain a Green Paper Waste Conclusion, the following package of documents is required:
- Statement from Unified State Register of legal entities and individuals - entrepreneurs (a copy signed by the head and sealed company
- Contract for supplying wastes (а copy signed and sealed by the director of the company)
- Specification according to the contract (а copy signed and sealed by the director of the company)
- Invoice according to the contract (а copy signed and sealed by the director of the company)
- The Conclusion of Chamber of Commerce and Industry about the wastes (which specified in the contract) had code assigned by Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UKT Foreign Trade). A copy signed and sealed by the director of the company
- Bank essential elements of the company
Getting Conclusion will take you 10 (ten) working days