Test protocols for pesticides and aflatoxins

Nowadays we can often watch the contamination of grain-grops, corn, nuts, and other food products on grain-growing basis, by microfungus pesticides and other mycotoxins on the whole territory of Ukraine.
Aflatoxins are high-toxic substances that appear in result of mushrooms moulding (or those products of secondary metabolism of Aspargillius sort of mushrooms), which according to the result of scientific researches belong to the most dangerous products. Aflatoxins are divide on B1, B2, G1, G2 groups.
Contaminating of environment by pesticides and aflatoxins, distributing them in products of vegetable and animal origin, creates potential threat for human health, which in turn provides economic losses because of diseases and death rate of agricultural animals.
The researches of indexes of unconcern (microbiological researches, decisions of contenting toxic elements, pesticides, aflatoxin of B1 and others), require the presence of complex equipment and can be conducted only in specially equipped laboratories.
Also for some types of products may be needed an analysis on presence/absence of antibiotics – leavomicetinum, tetracyclinum, streptomycin and other.
The selection goes on in accordance with normative documents on selected type of product. The amount of selected examples that should be taken for analysis, should be no less than 300 gr.
The specialist of our Company can successfully conduct examinations and get corresponding protocols of researches for Your Company (or for physical persons).