Permission to perform work of increased danger

Permission to perform work of increased dangerPermission to perform work of increased danger

Pay Attention!

The Government amends the Procedure for issuing permits for work of high danger..

The Cabinet makes significant changes to the Procedure for issuing permits for operation and exploitation (application) of high-risk equipment by Decree from February 7, 2018 No. 48 "On Amendments to the Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 25, 2010 No. 725 and October 26, 2011 р. № 1107 ".

According to the Resolution, the list of work of high danger, and the machinery, mechanisms, equipment operated (used) on the basis of State Labor Law permission, was reduced by changing it into declarative principle.

Our Company offers a full range of services for obtaining Work Permit in the shortest terms and reasonable price.

The need in obtaining this kind of permit is regulated by Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "About Occupational Safety".

The current list of high danger works and high danger equipment, was established by the relevant Annexes 2 and 3 of the CMU Decree No. 1107 of October 26, 2011.

The full range of our services includes:

  • Professional legal advicing;
  • Preparing all necessary documents;
  • Training your employees
  • Getting an expert conclusion;
  • Getting Permit from the State Labor Office for your company

The cost of our work depends on the number of jobs declared - the more types of work you declare, the more expensive it can be to obtain an expert opinion. Also, the total cost of our services can be influenced by need in specialized training for your employees

It takes:

  • 1-2 days for preparing all necessary documents;
  • up to 10 business days for training your employees;
  • up to 5 business days for getting an expert conclusion;
  • up to 10 business days for submitting to the State Labor Office and obtaining permission.

Why should you choose our company?

Firstly, because of great experience of our Company. For over 15 years, we value our reputation, so we work qualitatively and professionally.

Secondary, because of our efficiency. You’ll be able to obtain expertise and Permit in a few days.

Thirdly because of reasonable prices and free advising.

Also, we can always help you with trainings.we’ll organize and conduct everything quickly.

For getting started, you’ll need to provide us the following information:

  • The list of works that you intend to perform or the high-risk equipment that you operate (or you’re planning to operate);
  • Essential elements of your enterprise, for making a commercial offer and your service agreement.

The absence of any of this documents is not an obstacle in obtaining the Permit.

In the end of our collaboration, you’ll get a package of documents that includes in itself:

  • Permission of the State Labor Organization ;
  • Expert Conclusion;
  • Protocols and certificates of education(trainings),if there is a need for conducting it
  • A set of documents for labor protection (if it’s necessary).


Responsible specialists
Alina Vozniuk
Head of the Labor Safety and Licensing Department
+38 063 314-45-42
Alina Vozniuk
Eugeniia Stoyan
Legal assistant of Labor Safety and Licensing Department
+38 093 111-75-48
Eugeniia Stoyan