License for the wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages in Ukraine

Are you the registered business entrepreneur that obtained the license for production or importing alcoholic beverages that wants to realize this product in big batches by selling it to other business entrepreneur? Then, according to the Law of Ukraine «About government control of production and turnover of ethyl, cognac and fruit alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tabacco products, you have to obtain the license for alcoholic beverages wholesale trading.
The license for alcoholic beverages wholesale trading issues for a period of 5 years.
There are several requirements for obtaining this kind of license such us:
- available place of alcohol storage, that has to be registered in the Unified State Register of places of storage;
- available showcases with product samples that are in stock;
- available workplaces for bargaining;
- available payment transaction logs for cash-settled buyers for which it’s also necessary to register such settlements transaction loggers;
- available equipment for checking the authenticity of stamps of excise duty.
The size of state fee for obtaining this kinds of licenses is:
- 30 000 hryvnias exclusively for beer wholesale trading and beer producers with production capacity up to 3000 hectoliters;
- 780 hryvnias for cider and perry alcohol beverages;
- 500 000 hryvnias for all kinds of alcoholic beverages wholesale tradings
This payments supposed to be held annually.
It also should be noted, that it isn’t necessary to obtain the license for wholesale trade for business entities if they already received the license for production alcoholic beverages, namely: grape wines, fruit wines beverages or alcoholic beverages which are getting of honey, and which are produced exclusively from winematerials of their own production.
During the process of license obtaining, you may have some problems in such followings as:
- Incorrectly specified details in payment for the license;
- you didn't mention the full information that is needed in the application;
- incomplete package of documents was submitted.
You would get a range of services and save your time if you will contact us. In addition to license obtaining? We will register the place of alcohol storage in the Unified State Register of places of storage, obtain all necessary permits for premises and much more.